Radio copywriting and voice actingRadio lives!Before recording, or before the mic, let's bring Radio to life.
RADIO COMMERCIALS, AUDIO SCRIPTS, AND THE VOICES IN THEM ... Radio Commercials and Audio ScriptsRadio copywriting has long gotten too little attention. These days, I'd like to give it more. Earlier in my career, I wrote a few thousand commercials, but now, not so much. So I'm eager to help. Whether you have a flight already booked, or just need to fill out a campaign presentation, I'm here for you. Here's an assortment of scripts, old and new. Try me for creative concept, campaign extension, script development, whatever. You'll find me as flexible as the medium itself. I got my start in advertising by writing, producing and voicing commercials, and now it's all back in my repertoire. Even if you don't currently need a voice actor, give a listen. Some of my voiceover demos are fun. But remember that I'm actually level-headed and well-organized ... I just happen to enjoy pirates and orangutans. (Opens in new tab or window.) For more details, call or Do you have a project, question, or suggestion in mind? Let's put our minds together.